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systemic organizational development

Understand. Inspire. Design.

systemic organizational development

Understand. Inspire. Design.

who we are

We support sustainable
organizational development processes.

We believe that the potential and creative power of each individual person in an organization makes a difference. Our mission is to strengthen leaders for their crucial role in building future-oriented and resilient organizations. We support them and their teams in proactively shaping and developing their organizations - strategically, structurally and culturally. With many years of management experience and comprehensive expertise in organizational development, we accompany you on the way to sustainable change. Together we will create structures that will exist tomorrow - start today.


whole organization – holistic solutions

Leadership training

Organizational analysis

Leadership Coaching

Team development

Organizational development

How can we fully assume our leadership responsibility? Tailor-made workshops and seminars to develop and expand leadership skills and their effectiveness for your sustainable organizational development.

Keeping the organization's "triangle" in balance: Strategically: Aligning the organization for long-term development based on vision and mission. Structurally: Optimizing internal structures for efficient processes in line with your organization's strategy and culture. Culturally: Strengthening the corporate culture in order to be able to shape and live the organization's values and vision in a sustainable way. This also includes anchoring leadership principles.

If it is not clear where the problem actually lies: An organization is a networked, dynamic and complex system. That is why we take a close look at all influencing factors: identity, strategy, structure, processes, functions, current challenges, communication channels and the corporate culture.

How to deal with complexity? Individual coaching for managers for personal and professional development. Particularly as sparring for complex issues and in challenging change processes for managers in top management positions with a high level of reflection.

1+1=3 Workshops and activities to promote a common TEAM culture. Also for “high performing team” processes. Conflict moderation & mediation: Solution-oriented approaches to dealing with team conflicts.

Wenn mal nicht klar ist wo eigentlich das Problem liegt.

Wie umgehen mit der Komplexität?

Das „Dreieck“ der Organisation in Balance halten.

Wie können wir unsere Führungs-Verantwortung vollends wahrnehmen?


Diversity that shapes the future

& co stands for a variety of specialists with complementary skills in organizational development - from strategy planning to practical implementation. Our collaboration is based on the understanding of organizations as interconnected and dynamic systems with complex challenges. Our network is characterized by flexibility, innovative strength and the ability to find tailor-made answers to the unique challenges of our customers - and thus bring about real, positive change.

Colinda Kuerschner

Positioning & Attitude

I accompany teams & organizations in identity and attitude processes.

Dino Ceccato

Digital & Transformation

I create value-based change and activate the full potential for the future.

Sonia Soutter

Team & Organization Development

I accompany and support teams & organizations in their development.

Tania Kyburz

Innovation & Strategy

Expert in innovation processes: Design Thinking / Futuring & Lean Start-up.

Gaurav Bhatnagar

Culture & Transformation

Organizations transform when their people do.


Commitment that connects

We actively network within our industry. This creates solutions that are as individual and innovative as the companies we support. An extract from our commitment:


Professional Association for Coaching,

Supervision and organizational consulting


institute for systemic impulses


Masterclass and Community of Practice for Women in Organizational Consulting


At MCH Group, I had the pleasure of working with Kathrin, who initiated and led a groundbreaking corporate culture project.

Your ability to understand and inspire people makes a significant contribution to the desire to shape the future together.

Judith Krepper | Head Marketing Zurich Airport AG

Success stories

For Kathrin, her customers and challenges are her absolute priority. With her refreshing, winning and inspiring manner, she is a lasting influence and manages to make everyone feel and want to feel like they are part of the process.

I'm already looking forward to the next project!

Philipp Akeret | Partner Swiss Trust Company Ltd.

Success stories

Working with Kathrin Morlock was extremely inspiring. With her many years of experience as a manager and organizational developer, she not only brought new ideas and creative approaches to our team, but also recognized the potential of each individual and thus made a significant contribution to the success of our projects.

Robert Koch | Managing Director of the Central Clinic Bad Berka

Success stories

Kathrin has the talent of seeing your true potential and inspiring you to become the best version you never knew. This brings about personal reflections, enhances leadership to guide goal-oriented teamwork, and results in effective key decisions that drive business success.

Yvonne Neddo | Regional Director Asia expomobilia

Success stories

Kathrin combines analytically structured professionalism with empathy, heart and passion. She accompanies individuals, teams and organizations through changes and the challenges of everyday (corporate) life. I really appreciate the trusting, honest and goal-oriented collaboration with Kathrin and rely on her completely.

Karin Bührer | Owner of Awaska GmbH & Managing Director Development Switzerland

Success stories

With her open, warm and authentic manner, Kathrin is able to quickly connect with people and give new imputs and a positive boost to change processes.

Matthias Sturzenegger | 

Extended Management AquaPlus

Success stories

I have come to appreciate Kathrin as a highly competent, empathetic and solution-orientated person. Her many years of experience in organisational development and her extensive know-how enable sustainable results.

Stephanie Adzikah | Dr. med. Children University Hospital Zurich

Success stories


Everyone can make a difference. Process-oriented organizational development makes it possible to actively shape change, take responsibility and create sustainable change. We look forward to inspiring and supporting you in this process.

With over 15 years of international management experience and 20 years of marketing expertise in various industries, I understand the multiple challenges my customers face. As a curious and creative entrepreneur with comprehensive process support skills, I stand for solving structural, cultural and strategic challenges, as well as building enriching networks. My unique combination of management experience and learned change management skills enables me to effectively support decision-makers and accompany transformative processes that bring about lasting change.

Kathrin Morlock


Understand. Inspire. Design. We take this seriously.

Here we share not only our expertise and the latest trends, but also inspiring success stories and practical tips on how we can shape the future together.


We make the difference

Comprehensive know-how

Our expertise includes extensive management practice and in-depth industry knowledge. We understand the diverse challenges that companies face. Through our keen awareness of strategic, organizational and cultural changes, we enrich customer projects with distinctive, creative solutions.

Personal exchange

We are convinced that personal growth and economic success go hand in hand. That is why people and diversity are our focus. We listen, ask questions and are in constant communication. This also applies within our complementary network. This is how we open up new perspectives and opportunities.

Sustainable development

Our support aims to ensure that organizations develop healthily and flexibly in a constantly changing environment. We rely on a well-founded variety of methods, a systemic way of thinking and a willingness to learn. With our neutral and impartial perspective, we open up new ways of looking at things that help managers and teams to think outside the box and develop the full potential of their organization.

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